Current Projects 1. STEP Study Safety Transition from Education to Practice. Leader: Lora Hromadik and Danielle Walker, Rebecca Toothaker, Randi Flexner, Cheryl Smith, Manisa Baker, Linda McQuiston, Marijo Rommelfaenger. This is a longitudinal mixed methods study following senior nursing students into practice.
2. Perceptions of Nurses caring for Patients with Substance Use Disorder. Leaders: Monika Schuler, with Beth Vottero and Mandy Kratovil
3. Graduate QSEN competencies: Do MSN and DNP programs integrate QSEN competencies into the curriculum? Leaders: Teri Boyd & Tedra Smith are conducting a study to survey faculty teaching at the graduate level to determine QSEN Competencies integration in DNP programs.
Completed Projects
1. Constructive Feedback Teaching Strategy: A Multi-site Study of Its Effectiveness Multi-site Study of the Constructive Feedback Teaching Strategy on the QSEN website. 12 Nurse Educators that are members of the QSEN Academic Task Force Implemented this teaching strategy at 9 schools of nursing across the US. 525 students participated with 985 student comments analyzed. Publication Altmiller, G., Deal, B., Ebersole, N., Flexner, R., Jordan, J., Jowell, V., Norris, T., Risetter, M., Schuler, M., Szymanski, K., Vottero, B., Walker, D. (2018). Constructive feedback teaching strategy: A multi-site study of its effectiveness. Nursing Education Perspectives Special Summit 2018 Issue on Educational Research Collaborations, 39(5), 291-6. Presentations Constructive feedback teaching strategy: A multi-site study of its effectiveness. Podium presentation. Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) International Forum, Bonita Springs, Florida.
2. Development and Testing of the Just Culture Assessment Tool-Nursing Education (JCAT-NE). Development and content validation of Just Culture Assessment Tool (JCAT) modified for nursing education; identified as JCAT-NE. Publication Walker, D., Altmiller, G., Barkell, N., Hromadik, L., Toothaker, R. (2019). Development and validation of the just culture assessment tool for nursing education (JCAT-NE). Nurse Educator, 44(5), 261-264. Presentations Development and Validation of the Just Culture Assessment Tool for Nursing Education (JCAT-NE): Concurrent Session, QSEN International Forum, Cleveland Ohio. With Lora Hromadik, Danielle Walker, Nina Barkell, & Rebecca Toothaker
3. Just Culture Assessment in Schools of Nursing: A Multi-site Study. This is a multi-site Implementation of JCAT-NE Instrument. Leader: Danielle Walker, TCU. This project includes 17 nursing programs and 21 co-PIs that are members of the QSEN Academic Taskforce. Publication Walker, D., Altmiller, G., Hromadik, l., Barkell, N., Barker, N., Boyd, T., Compton, M., Cook, P., Curia, M., Hays, D., Flexner, R., Jordan, J., Jowell, V., Kaulback, M., Magpantay-Monroe, E., Rudolph, B., Toothaker, R., Vottero, B., & Wallace, S. (2020). Nursing students’ perception of just culture within nursing programs: A multisite study. Nurse Educator, 45(3), 133-138. Awarded the 2020 Generating Evidence for Nursing Education Practice Award by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, presented to the research team.
4. Leadership, Teamwork and Collaboration: The Lived Experience of Conducting Multi-site Research Focused on Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Competencies in Academia Secondary study from Teaching Strategy Implementation Study completed in 2018. This is a reflective project. Leader: Monika Schuler, Univ of Mass. Research question: What is the experience of nurse educators participating in an academic focused multi-site research study? Publication Schuler, M., Latournaeu, R., Altmiller, G., Deal, B., Vottero, B. A., Boyd, T., Ebersole, N. W., Flexner, R., Jordan, J., Jowell, V., McQuiston, L., Norris, T., Risetter, M. J., Szymanski, K., Walker, D. (2021). Leadership, teamwork, and collaboration: The lived experience of conducting a multi-site research focused on Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies in academia. Nursing Education Perspectives, 42(2), 74-80.
5. Factor Analysis of Just Culture Assessment Tool-Nursing Education (JCAT-NE). Factor analysis of the current JCAT-NE for further refinement of instrument. Leader: Danielle Walker, TCU. Manuscript submitted and under review. Publication Walker, D., Hromodik, L., Altmiller, G., Barkell, N., & Toothaker, R. (2021). Exploratory factor analysis of the just culture assessment tool for nursing education. Journal of Research in Nursing, 26(1-2), 49-59.
6. Student Perspectives of Perceived Disparities During COVID-19 Pandemic. Publication Wallace, S., Schuler, M. S., Kaulback, M., Hunt, K., & Baker, M. (2021). Nursing student experiences of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing forum, 56(3), 612–618.